Wednesday, 29 April 2015

What is meant by pneumatic

What are pneumatics definition and meaning. Urban Dictionary: pneumatic. Meaning of PNEUMATIC in Hindi.

Adjectives - What does "pneumatic" mean when applied to a person. pneumatic - definition of pneumatic by The Free Dictionary.

What is meant by pneumatic

Definition of pneumatics: Study of air and other gases at rest and in motion, specially under pressure, and application of that knowledge in design and control of. 17 Jul 2011 Over a hundred years earlier, and still sometimes today, the pneumatic body has been used to mean spiritual body which would be resurrected. Pneu·mat·ic. (noo-matik, nyoo-) also pneu·mat·i·cal adj. 1. Of or relating to air or other gases. 2. Of or relating to pneumatics. 3. a. Run by or using.

Pneumatic - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster

A clever way to call someone an airhead (playing off the traditional meaning of pneumatic, which is, "pertaining to or filled with air.") Usually used in reference to. Pneumatic meaning in Hindi: Get detailed meaning of PNEUMATIC in Hindi language. This page shows Pneumatic meaning in Hindi with Pneumatic definition.

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What is meant by pneumatic

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