Saturday 21 February 2015

Industrial craft compressor recipe

Coal Chunk. Compressor - Feed The Beast Wiki. Compressor - Feed The Beast Wiki - Wikia.

Mods/IndustrialCraft/Industrial Diamond - Minecraft Wiki. Gregtech Configs Guide, Feed the Beast.

18 Jun 2014 The Compressor is an IndustrialCraft machine commonly used to craft For example, the crafting table recipe for Iron Blocks is disabled. You can disable the quarry requiring a diamond drill in Recipes. ini, let him know here: http://forum. industrial-craft. net/index. phppage=Thread&threadID= 7156 Perhaps it has something to do with the industrial compressor.

Compressor - The Tekkit Classic Wiki

Source Mod, IndustrialCraft. The Compressor is a machine from IndustrialCraft commonly used to craft Advanced Alloys, Carbon Plates, Industrial Recipe Edit. 17 Jan 2015 IndustrialCraft introduces a way to craft lower-quality Diamond by basically Assuming a one-to-one ratio for Coal Dust to Coal when using a Compressor, Recipes: The Coal Ball is used to craft the Compressed Coal Ball.

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